The Tale of a Repentant Outlaw and the Enlightening Lantern

In the annals of Hyderabad, Sindh, there exists a famous mausoleum, its history woven with remarkable stories. One such tale revolves around a notorious outlaw whose life took a transformative turn due to the influence of noble souls and their teachings.

The outlaw, once feared for his audacity in plundering, found solace in the company of virtuous individuals who sought to guide him towards a path of righteousness. Through their gentle persuasion and patient mentoring, he began to see the error of his ways.

However, fate took an unexpected turn when unemployment and destitution cast their shadows upon his humble abode. With the wolf of poverty at his door, desperation crept in, and the once-reformed outlaw found himself at the doorstep of a revered saint’s mausoleum.

In a fervent plea, he beseeched the saint for his supplications to be answered. And in response, the saint, from the depths of his final resting place, advised him, “This lantern is now yours. Sell it and fulfill your need.”

With newfound hope, the reformed outlaw descended from the mausoleum, clutching the lantern that now held the promise of respite from his trials. The lantern, though unassuming in appearance, held great worth.

Word quickly spread of the reformed man’s plight, and neighbors, aware of his past, dared not interfere or challenge him. They knew him as a brave and valiant individual who had fought battles and conquered adversaries.

With a heavy heart, he chose to part with the lantern, recognizing its true value. Little did he know that this act would set in motion a chain of events that would ultimately lead him to the doorstep of justice.

The authorities, tipped off by vigilant observers, swiftly apprehended the outlaw and brought him before the court. The judge, with an air of curiosity, posed a question that would unravel the essence of this extraordinary tale: “Did you remove the lantern from the mausoleum?”

The outlaw’s response was unflinching, “Yes, Your Honor, I did.”

The judge, intrigued, pressed further, “Why did you do it?”

The answer was steeped in a tale of dire need and divine intervention. “My home was burdened with the weight of destitution. I stood before the saint’s final abode and implored him to grant my plea. He, from the depths of his eternal slumber, decreed, ‘This lantern is now yours. Sell it and fulfill your need!’ And so, I obeyed.”

The judge, his countenance changed, lowered his head in reflection. After a moment of contemplation, he addressed the courtroom and the assembled witnesses, “You have two choices: alter your beliefs and attest that saints’ resting places hold no significance, nor do they respond to supplications, or accept the outlaw’s account as truth.”

A ripple of solemnity swept through the audience, and after consulting amongst themselves, the neighbors and eyewitnesses chose the latter. The case was withdrawn, and the once-outlawed man was set free.

This extraordinary tale, etched in the annals of Hyderabad, serves as a poignant reminder of the power of redemption and the unpredictable ways in which life’s tribulations can lead to unforeseen blessings. It stands as a testament to the enduring belief in the sanctity of places of rest, where the departed may still hold sway over the course of mortal lives.

In the end, it is a story that urges us to reflect on the intricate threads that weave through our lives, connecting us to the past, the present, and the potential for transformation that lies ahead.

Now Read Story in Urdu

ایک مشہور ڈاکو کچھ نیک لوگوں کی صحبت اور تبلیغ کی وجہ سے ڈاکے مارنے سے تائب ہو گیا۔
مگر پھر وقت کچھ ایسا آیا کہ بیروزگاری اور غربت کی وجہ سے گھر میں نوبت فاقوں تک آن پہنچی تو وہ ایک دن ایک بڑے ولی کے مزار پر گیا اور دعا مانگنے کے بعد دن دیہاڑے وہاں چھت پر لٹکتا انتہائی قیمتی فانوس اتار لایا ۔
مزار پر بیٹھے مجاور اسے جانتے تھے کہ بہت بہادر لڑاکا اور جنگجو ہے، سو اسے کچھ کہنے یا مزاحمت کرنے کی جرأت نہ کرسکے …
ڈاکو نے وہ فانوس بیچ دیا ۔
مزار کے گدّی نشین اور مجاوروں نے ڈکیتی کا پرچہ کروا دیا اور کیس عدالت میں چلا گیا، جج صاحب نے ڈاکو کو عدالت میں طلب کیا (یہ واقعہ حیدر آباد سندھ کے ایک مشہور مزار کا ہے)۔
جج صاحب نے ڈاکو سے پوچھا : “تم نے مزار سے فانوس اتارا ہے؟”
ڈاکو نے کہا : “جی اتارا ہے!”
پوچھا : “کیوں اتارا ہے؟”
جواب دیا کہ “گھر میں نوبت فاقوں تک آ گئی تھی۔ میں صاحب مزار (قبر میں مدفون) کے پاس حاضر ہوا کہ میری حاجت روائی فرمائیں،صاحب مزار نے قبر کے اندر سے فرمایا “یہ فانوس تیرا ہوا، بیچ کر ضرورت پوری کر لے!” سو میں نے فانوس اتار کر بیچ دیا اور اپنی ضرورت پوری کر لی۔”
جج صاحب نے سر جھکا لیا اور کچھ دیر تؤقف کے بعد گدّی نشین اور مجاوروں سے مخاطب ہوئے کہ “یا
تو اپنا عقیدہ بدل لو اور لکھ کر دے دو کہ ولی قبروں میں نہ سنتے ہیں اور نہ حاجت روائی کرتے ہیں، تو کیس آگے چلاتے ہیں۔ یا پھر ہم آپ کے عقیدے کے مطابق مان لیتے ہیں کہ ڈاکو ٹھیک کہتا ہے!”☺ 😊
مجاوروں نے کچھ دیر صلاح مشورے کے بعد اپنا کیس واپس لے لیا۔

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